Monday, July 31, 2006

John’s Coworkers are Sneaky, Too

For a week or two after the ambush baby shower at Moe’s, I carried my camera in my purse and brushed my hair at least once a day so I could be ready for the next surprise. I had just begun to think that the only remaining surprise would be which body part will swell up and burst first (my money is on the ankles, but the fingers are keeping the race close), when I pulled up to the SunTrust building and found John standing on the side of the street with a Baby Papasan Swing (shown to the right), a Target gift card, and a piece of cake.

It turns out that John had his own little ambush baby shower, this time courtesy of the SunTrust loss prevention department. I don’t personally know John’s coworkers, but I know they are very kind and generous people who went way above and beyond with their gift to our growing family.

Nice gifts, delicious cake, and no need to brush my hair. It doesn’t get much better than that for a pregnant lady.


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