Saturday, September 02, 2006

All About Lana

Lana has been home with us for almost five whole days now, and already I can't imagine life without her. She's sweet, feisty, cuddly, and has amazing arm strength for someone less than a week old. I spent months imagining what she would be like, but she is so more than I could have ever hoped for.

Here's a quick introduction to the wonder that is our Lana:

First Name: Lana (rhymes with Donna). It's a Hawaiian name that means floating, buoyant. The Irish meaning is attractive, peaceful.

Middle Name: Kathleen. We chose this in honor of my Great Aunt Kathleen (Kacky), a wonderful lady who I spent a lot of time with as a child enjoying summers in the country.

Hobbies: Flailing her arms about, chewing her bib or sleeves, sleeping in the arms of her parents and grandparents.

Likes: Her swing, eating, her stroller, more eating, her nursery, eating again, sponge baths, and more eating.

Dislikes: Her bassinet, belly button cord cleaning, and not eating when she wants.

Nicknames: Lana Bo Bonna, Hungry Hippo


Blogger CurlyRed said...

She's gorgeous Jennifer!! Congratulations! :)

10:11 AM  

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