18 Month Update
Today you turn 18 months old – a whole year and a half! To celebrate we began the morning with a cup of milk, a little light reading, a serious tantrum come time to get dressed, and a breakfast of grapes. In short, like every other day this month.
It really is amazing how much you change in just a matter of weeks. Last month I wrote about your obsession with cheese and your stubborn refusal to have your hands cleaned. This month you are absolutely enamored with fruit (grapes and oranges are your favorite) and determined to keep your hands clean. You’re doing a much better job of consistently using utensils, but when you do elect to eat with your hands you stop after every bite or two, hold out your dirty hand and say, “Eww, eww, eww” until the offending digits are wiped clean. Do you have any idea how surprising this is for me, to wipe your hand without you squealing like a little pig? The first few times that this happened I gave you a quick inspection to check for signs of alien abduction.
One of the few times that you will reliably call me Mama is when you wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Your father and I typically adhere to a five minute waiting period when you wake in the night since you will often cry for a couple of minutes and then go right back to sleep. That is so much harder to do now that we hear your little voice calling over the baby monitor: “Daddy? Mama? Daddy? Ganny?” Luckily you have not yet learned how much power you have with that – how my heart melts every time I hear you call my name.
I can’t imagine anything more amazing than watching a child grow from a peanut with a heartbeat to a walking, talking person full of new ideas and enthusiasm for life. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, my precious little girl.
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