Thursday, November 16, 2006

Baby Talk

My friend Vinique, a fellow tennis enthusiast and mother, passed along an interesting excerpt from The Oprah Winfrey Show about the secret language of babies. The guest on the show explains that all babies, regardless of nationality or race, speak the same language between the ages of zero to three months. She outlines five basic “words” that are part of all babies’ natural reflexes:

Neh = "I'm hungry"
Owh = "I'm sleepy"
Heh = "I'm experiencing discomfort"
Eair = "I have lower gas"
Eh = "I need to burp"

Based on my experience with Lana, the list is missing:
“AHHHH!” = “I’m experiencing feelings of intense frustration and I’m about two seconds away from calling the authorities to report you people for gross negligence.”

For more information on the secret language of babies theory, view the video here.


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