Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pink Persuasion

Our baby girl’s wardrobe went from Little Orphan Annie to Olsen twin quantities over the course of a weekend when a friend generously provided all of his one-year-old daughter’s hand-me-downs. As I explored the contents of the bags of clothing, a distinct theme emerged: Pink.

John and I are both firmly against Pepto-Bismol colored nurseries and pink princess outfits, and our resolve to fight this trend only increased after learning we are having a girl. So, it was with no small amount of trepidation that I caught myself holding up one pink garment after the next and marveling at its cuteness.

Most concerning of all is my affection for this pair of shoes. Not only are they pink, but they are also miniature Ugg boots. I am convinced that adult Ugg boots are the worst fashion trend since leg warmers, but this tiny little version is irresistible. So pink, so fuzzy… what’s not to love?



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