Monday, April 24, 2006

Alive and Kicking

This past Saturday morning marked the first time that I knew for sure I felt my baby moving. John and I were sitting on the couch together watching a soccer game when I felt the distinct sensation of being kicked from the inside out. I told John that I was finally sure I felt something, and he placed his hand on my abdomen just in time to feel a kick.

Since then, our little girl has been kicking me almost non-stop. She kicked while we visited John's family that evening and she kicked while I visited my parents Sunday afternoon. She kicked so vigorously that my mom felt her protests through a pair of jeans and layered tank tops.

I know now that I've been feeling a much milder version of this movement for several weeks, but dismissed it as normal pregnancy discomforts since it didn't at all match the "flutter in the stomach" described by all my pregnancy books. I have no idea what a flutter feels like, but I can definitely tell when I'm getting a swift kick in the gut.



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